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On the morning of June 16when “the sun was nearing the steeple of George’s church”Joyce fans were seen wandering everywhere in the old town,in a city that saluted James Joyce on that day.

Wandering is perhaps a state of being most emblematic of the intellectual experience and physical conditions of uprooted and landless Jews.People came from around the world to emulate Bloom and wander in the town.Such empathy was probably what Martin Heidegger once feared most for Europe and the fear eventually prompted him,as rector of the University of Freiburg,to identify with Hitler's ideology and worldview.Heidegger believed that the rootless feeling of the Jews would become a universal sentiment as a result of industrialization that would make contexts and worlds fade and uniform spirit and values rise.Such global onslaught to national and regional differentiations would ultimately destroy the once diverse and colorful world.

I,a Chinese writer who began to embrace the stream-of-consciousness at the age of 19,as if unreservedly letting myself into a world once gone,yet regained,now found myself wandering in the streets of Dublin on June 16,or rather in the labyrinth of the stream-of-consciousness that I so cherished.





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